Active support of Saint Mary School directly and positively impacts our students and staff.
Monetary gifts and gifts of time and talents allow our students to connect and learn beyond the classroom, learn in innovative ways, explore their artistic and athletic talents, be part of a vibrant community that enriches their experience, and create opportunities to strengthen family and community bonds in the City of Janesville.
We actively fundraise – scrip, which is gift certificate-based, is our biggest fundraiser. Students and families sell World’s Finest Chocolate, and proceeds go toward student enrichment. Our Steeple Chase fun run is an annual highlight for families throughout the area. The annual Spaghetti Dinner, held during Catholic Schools Week, raises funds for our athletic programs (and student-athletes do the serving!). The Salad Luncheon, a Lenten event that is one of the oldest Saint Mary traditions, brings the community together to share a meal and raise money for student activities.
Saint Mary School relies on the time and talents of our families to ensure that activities are as successful as they can be for our students.
Each family is expected to participate in 20 hours of volunteer activities during the school year. At the start of each school year, staff and families meet to learn about volunteer options, which include supervising in the lunchroom and at recess, helping with hot lunch preparation, helping in the classroom, working on fundraisers, coaching sports, providing administrative assistance, and serving on Home and School (PTA).
We use SignUpGenius to keep families informed of opportunities and to manage our volunteer program.
Saint Mary School is supported by Nativity of Mary Parish, tuition from our families, the school endowment fund, and other donations – even Scoopie Nights at Culver’s!
Monetary donations are always received gratefully! Stop by the school office with your donation or make a one-time or recurring gift online.
Donations to the school’s endowment fund can be made through the Nativity of Mary offertory, via your will/estate plan, or by a direct donation at the school office or online (select the Saint Mary School option). We also welcome practical items to enhance our classrooms.
Questions about donating? Contact our Principal at (608) 754-5221 or send an email.
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