Middle School Musings: September

September Happenings from the Third Floor
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“Middle School is exactly what it sounds like. A mixed-up mess of nothing and everything at the same time.”
Middle school students met collectively on the first day of school to review expectations and set goals. We dedicated time to middle school team building activity, “Save Sammy” who was a hopeless gummy worm on a tipped over row boat adrift in the ocean. Teams worked together to save Sammy, develop clear communication skills, and work as a unit. We have worked diligently the past few weeks to remain organized with folders, notebooks, and books. Please check your students’ assignment notebook EACH NIGHT and SIGN. Also, encourage them to keep a clean locker and wash their gym clothes.
“When you get up every morning with determination, you go to bed with satisfaction.”
To encourage student success, please encourage students to get to bed at a reasonable hour and fuel their bodies with a good breakfast. All students were given a water bottle for daily use, or
students can bring one from home.
“That moment when your teacher forgets you have homework, but then that one kid says, ‘We have homework’.”
Please expect your child to have some homework each night. Science has a current events assignment due each TUESDAY.
English Language Arts/Reading
We started with close reading techniques and sensory details. Students worked on summarizing and retelling techniques. 5th and 6th World History Students started learning about early humans and created a proposal for a mural with great connections to our Saint Mary School.
7th and 8th World Geography
Students started with the Five Themes of Geography and reviewed map reading skills.
5th/6th Grade Math
The year started with a vocabulary review of key math terms. Happily, students took timed math fact tests. Students took their STAR math test. The upcoming units for math: Statistics, Decimal, and Fractions