The use of technology at Saint Mary School is a privilege, not a right. Everything done on school-owned technology may be monitored by school staff. Inappropriate use of technology may result in loss of access or privileges, as well as other possible disciplinary or legal actions.
School Responsibilities
- The school provides internet blocking of inappropriate materials as possible.
- The school reserves the right to review, monitor and restrict information stored on or transmitted via school-owned equipment and to investigate inappropriate use of resources.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
I will talk to my student(s) about values and the standards that they should follow in the use of the internet, just as you do in the use of all media information sources such as television, phones, movies, and radio.
Student Responsibilities - General
- I will use computers/devices in a responsible and ethical manner.
- I will not let anyone else use my password, and I will not use theirs.
- I will not share personal information about myself or others when communicating online.
- I will not take or distribute pictures, videos or audio recordings of anyone without their permission.
- I will tell a teacher immediately about any unpleasant or inappropriate material or messages on the computer, or anything that makes me uncomfortable when I see it.
- I understand that the school's security and internet filter is there to protect me, and to protect the computer network, and I will not try to bypass it. If I need access to a blocked website, I will ask my teacher.
- I know that I am not allowed to change settings on school devices.
- I will download graphics, documents, music, or videos only if they are related to my schoolwork, and I will cite the source of copyrighted material.
- I understand that I must not download or display inappropriate pictures or other material from the internet.
- I know that plagiarism is a violation of the Saint Mary School Code of Conduct. I will give credit to all sources used, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the internet, such as graphics, movies, music, and text.
- I will not use computers to harass or bully anyone. I will always treat others the same way I would want them to treat me.
Student Responsibilities - School-Issued Devices
- I understand that I am responsible for the general care of any device issued to me by the school.
- The device is school property and I will follow this policy.
- I will promptly report any problems with the device to my teacher.
- I will keep the device clean using approved device screen cleaners.
- I will not remove the serial number or other identification labels.
- I will bring the device to school every day, making sure that it is fully charged.
- I will never leave the device in an unsecured area, including lockers.
- I will carry the device in an approved case.
- Upon ceasing enrollment at Saint Mary School, I (or my parent/guardian) will return the device and its accessories in good working order and condition or pay the cost of repair or replacement (see Repairing or Replacing a Device).
- Apps and extensions may only be installed by the school staff. Students are not allowed to install apps or extensions on devices.
- Students may not use personal Apple ID or email accounts.
- Students may not use passcodes.
Repairing or Replacing a Device
- Students will be held responsible for maintaining individual devices and keeping them in good working order.
- Students will be charged for any damage to a device that results from misuse, mishandling, or neglect.
- Students will be charged for the actual replacement cost for lost or damaged items such as cases and cables.
- Common estimate replacement fees will include (actual replacement fee will vary):
* Replacement of device: $300.00
* Replacement of device case: $40.00
Personal Home or Homeowners Coverage
Parents/guardians or students may wish to carry their own personal insurance to protect the device in cases of theft, loss, or accidental damage. Please consult with your insurance agent for details about your personal coverage of the device. Most insurances will require a rider for electronics, provide limited coverage, and generally require a higher deductible.
No Insurance
If you do not have insurance, you agree to pay for the replacement of the device at a cost not to exceed $599.00 should the device be stolen or lost. The full amount must be paid before a new device will be issued to the student.
Student Expectations for Devices
- Devices are for school use only.
- Know your goal/objective when using the device.
- Use devices to access and create educationally appropriate material only.
- Only use the device in the classroom when instructed to use it.
- Do not use any unrelated sites for lessons and/or homework (for example: Google Hangouts, YouTube, Pandora, etc.) unless instructed by the teacher.
- Comments and chat conversations must be school-appropriate and connected to the lesson.
- Device responsibilities and expectations also apply to the use of the device at home.
- Only school-"approved" games and apps may be used when given permission to play.
- "Close the cover" when the teacher or presenter is talking.
- Look after the device carefully at all times:
* The device must be situated securely on the work surface.
* Carry your device with two hands supporting the base of the device.
* Make sure the device is not subject to careless or malicious damage (for example: due to horseplay).
* Wash your hands before using your device.
* Always have a clean and clear screen.
* No food or drinks allowed near the device; water bottles must stay on the floor.
* Store the device in your classroom when not in use.
* Devices are not allowed to be stored inside lockers or set on the floor.
* Do not take the case off the device.
* Only appropriate pictures are allowed on the desktop and as icons.
Consequences for Violation of Device Expectations
For each violation, the student and classroom teacher will conference about the incident. Depending on the severity of the infractions, the following steps may or may not be used in a progressive manner:
- First infraction: Upon teacher discretion, a student may lose device privileges for the remainder of the class or the school day and serve a lunch detention, and the student will write a letter of explanation to his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) and bring the letter back signed.
- Second infraction: The student will meet with Miss Wurtz and the teacher. They will determine if the student should lose device privileges for one week and serve a 30-minute after-school detention. The student will write a letter of explanation to his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) and bring the letter back signed.
- Third infraction: The student will lose device privileges indefinitely and there will be a meeting with Dr. Ehrhardt, Miss Wurtz, the teacher, the student, and the student's parent(s)/guardian(s).
Serious infractions including, but not limited to, bypassing Saint Mary School's filters and/or blatant misuse of the device, may result in immediate loss of privilege.
By submitting this form, all parent(s)/guardian(s) and student(s) listed on this form state that they have read, understand and agree to the terms set forth in this agreement.